Hello World!!

My name is Nicole and I'm a current student @ York University.

I hail from the BEAUTIFUL islands of The Bahamas!!! Yep I call this place home. It's nice huh?
Don't lie you wish you were there RIGHT NOW! I know I do :P

Before you ask...no we don't live in huts, and unfortunately we do have to work and to school. Despite the nice weather we can't go to the beach whenever we like...although we try to go as often as possible.

Sometimes it's hard being an international student, having to leave the beach for the snow but it's all worth it knowing that I'm getting one step closer to my goal of becoming the FIRST FEMALE PRIME MINISTER OF THE BAHAMAS!

I've been @ York now for 5 years. I've already graduated once with a degree in Anthropology and a Professional Certificate in Marketing. I couldn't get enough of York so I'm back again doing a second undergrad in Political Science, (hence the life goal lol).
I started this blog because I'm a RED Zone Student Ambassador or RSA. The RED Zone operates as bridge between incoming students and the York Community. If you have any questions about any aspect of University life or life @ York these are the people that you should stop and talk to. I have TONS of experience as a student and I've got tons of tips for learning how to balance commitments and succeed at York. I really hope to become part of the team that tells people what it's really like to be a York student!

Sooooo...IF you've got some time you should totally check out my blog. If you have any questions feel free to post in the comments section. ORRR you can follow me on twitter (@nuriasz). I'd be more than happy to answer any questions that you might have!




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