Sunday, 11 March 2012

What do you do online all day?

I don't know about you but my mom constantly asks me "What do you do online all day?" My mother is an internet novice, she thinks that all you do online is check e-mail or google search. If you're reading this then you know that the internet is FAR more wide reaching than that. Today I'm going to talk about  what I do when I'm online; what sites I check religiously, why my day isn't complete without checking them and how I hope I make this blog a site you want to come back to regularly. Try not to judge me too much!

So where do I go?

The Many WONDERFUL Faces of Perez!
1. I LOVE THIS SITE! I check it multiple times per day and if I can't check it on my laptop I'm checking it on my phone or my iPod.

  • I LOVE a good story, to tell it to hear it...I like to know what's going on. Sometimes I check tmz and the other celebrity gossip sites sometimes but if I want to know something (and know it's the truth) I check Perez first. The more I think about it the I come around to the sad realization that I kinda get all my important news from this site.
  • I had never heard of a blog before but when my sister told me about I thought I'd take a look. INSTANTLY I was hooked! He was funny and quirky and a little mean, and I loved his "photoshopped" pictures!
  • I'm kinda like a fish...or a small child, I really like exciting colours and movement. Perez is always changing his backgrounds and there are always tons of pictures and interesting graphics on his site. It's dynamic and always changing and I really like a site that is updated frequently with interesting new content.

2. This is definitely a CLOSE number 2 to Perez. I also check this site regularly and with great gusto. I love to laugh and so this site is really for me! 

  • It's really easy to use and since it has so many different people adding content it changes second to second. The easy of use was a key factor in why I keep going back. I share things I find cool and funny with my family and friends via facebook and twitter.
  • It's a really responsive site as well in that it has a trending section which shows content that people are talking about, sharing and commenting on in real time. 
  • I like the fact that it doesn't take itself too seriously. It's a joke site and so it doesn't try to change the world. It uses a simple set up that doesn't detract from the content. 
What's on my dashboard?
3. Honestly I could NOT talk about my favourite sites and not mention tumblr. I'm not going to lie I did NOT want to blog in the beginning. I started it only because I was taking an e-marketing class and it was a requirement; BUT when I got on tumblr my whole life changed. I started to notice that most of the sites I checked regularly were a blog of one form or another. Once I started tumbling I never looked back. 

  • There are so many blogs to choose from that you'll have no problem finding people to follow. I started small, only following friends but now I'm following blogs that are run by people from all over the world. 
  • It's really easy to use. As someone that writes a lot (as you can see I'm super long-winded) it's important for me to be able to write on my blog. It shouldn't be too complicated, but I should also have the ability to customize my blog as much as I want, without having to know how to write code. Tumblr offers all these features. I can write or post pictures or audio or link to videos, it's easy and easy is GOOD!
  • The blogs that I follow make me LAUGH, which if I haven't noticed is SUPER important to me. 
I'm a little addicted to these sites and up until now I had never really thought about why. But the more I think about it the more I realize that there are three things that keep me coming back to all these sites: 
  1. They are funny and I love to laugh
  2. They are dynamic and always changing / updating and I love new stuff
  3. They are telling a story and I really love a good story
It's these three things that I would try to bring to this blog to make people come back. I'd try to update it as often as my schedule allows (school comes first sorry), I'd try to keep it funny and I'd try to tell my stories. I think that these three things keep people coming back to whatever blogs they follow afterall no one wants to read something that super boring!


auriasz said...

I am a tumblr geek too, it is my favorite site to go to. I can spend hours on there! When I can't sleep, tumblr is the place to be.

shzfiji said...

I've never been on before... but after this, I think I might just be hooked too, ah (:

Anonymous said...

Lately I've been really into Gawker. It's scary how addicted I am.

auriasz said...

Never heard of Gawker, so I checked it out, looks kind of like Gizmodo but for gossip!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the comments ladies...I just checked out Gawker and I LOVE IT it's kinda like mixed with a little perez. I think I'll add it to my website rotations!

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