Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Why would I be an AMAZING RedZone Ambassador?

It's questions like these that make me a little uncomfortable: Why would you make a good candidate? Why should we hire you over other applicants? I don't know why but I always feel like I'm being arrogant or conceited when I answer. I know that the interviewers just want to get a sense of why I want the job or why I think I'd be a good fit for the position. But I can't help feeling like I'm putting down everyone else being interviewed. Hopefully it doesn't seem like I'm putting anyone else down...but rather setting myself apart from the rest in a good, positive way. :)

Why would I make a good RedZone Ambassador?

Humm Well...
  • I know a lot about York. I've been here for 5 years (time flies when you're having fun :P) and in that time I have  gone through the entire undergrad process from day one to convocation day! I'm finishing up my second first year lol!
  • As an international student I have a unique perspective that I think the RedZone could benefit from; especially when it comes to questions about adjusting to life in Canada, working on and off campus and dealing with homesickness.
  • I have lived ALL OVER the York Campus from Residence to The Village and The Graduate Apartments. Living all these places has given me tons of experiences and most importantly STORIES! 
  • I'm a member of Health Education and Promotion and so I have lots of experience talking with students about any and everything from stress management to responsible alcohol use and even sexual health.
  • I'm a team player. I've been involved in group activities for as long as I can remember, and I've done it all! I've been the bottom rung on the ladder and I've been at the tippy top of organizations as well. I'm good with following directions or giving them. 
It's great to know why I'd be good at the job, but I think the most important question is WHY DO I WANT to work for RedZone?

There are tons of places on and off campus that a student can work over the summer, so why do I want to work at school over the summer and why do I want to interact with new froshies?

I want to be a part of RedZone because I think that making connections is really important. It's your connections with people, places and things that makes life more interesting. Coming to a school the size of York can be SUPER intimidating and coming out of highschool into "a centre for higher education" can be daunting. BUT RedZone helps you feel like more than just a number, these are real people that want to make your transition to York smooth. Making that first connection can mean the difference between sinking or swimming so to speak.

I could also talk about the fact that I live on campus and so the lack of commute would be AMAZING lol but lets be serious. York is more than just the school I go to, it's my home, LITERALLY! I care about the community here and I think that students should know there is more to the York experience than going to class and then going straight home. Getting students connected gives them a reason to care, once they care they begin to have pride and then before you know it, they are telling the people in their life how AMAZING York is!

RedZone is also more than just people sitting in the middle of Vari Hall. The fact that they take their show on the road sets them apart from other organizations. The online presence that RedZone has helps to reach students where they actually Making the to effort to connect with students beyond campus just makes sense since York is known as a commuter school.

RedZone builds community and I want to be part of the team that makes the York community better and stronger. 


knagallo said...

I can understand why you would feel arrogant or conceited in answering such questions, however I have a different perspective. In my opinion, this shows how considerate you are! There is merit and truth to each and every one of your responses anyway and for what it is worth, I feel like none of it was exaggerated. I REALLY do think you WILL be an AMAZING RedZone Ambassador, Nicole!

happygirl said...

I think you'd make an amazing RedZone Ambassador, you always seem so involved on campus! Good luck!!!

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for the comments guys! Hopefully I'll become and RSA I'll let you know :D

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