Friday, 11 May 2012

You meet the nicest people in the RED Zone booth!

Sitting in the booth you have A LOT of people that walk past you; sometimes they're super nice, other times they can be not so friendly. BUTTTTTT today the nicest person walked up to myself and Lindsey in the booth.

This guy had been playing harmonica in Vari Hall for a while this afternoon and I was jamming out while he was jamming. I even tweeted about it. A few minutes after that tweet the guy came over and asked "Hey what are you girls promoting here?"

After explaining that we weren't promoting anything, and that we were RSA's he introduced himself to us. "Hey I'm Nash, a Yoga instructor at Tait." I'm not going to lie to you...he was seriously CHILL!! I mean it was clear that he sooo zen I'm not surprised that he instructs Yoga.

To prove to  us that he was in fact a yoga instructor he showed pointed to the York Lions Recreation Guide and said "That's me on the cover! Let me show you when my classes are."

So having JUST met Nash I can tell you that he teaches Yoga Level 1 on Wednesdays and Power Yoga also on Wednesday. I'm not telling you that you HAVE to go...buttt Nash is SUPER awesome so if you're interested in it you should go and meet him and take his class.

**Lindsay says to mention that he is LOVELY!!**

Thought you should know!



Claire said...

I really want to get into Yoga, glad that Tait offers a class with an awesome instructor! The booth is a great place to meet people you might not have otherwise, definitely one of the things that makes being an RSA so much fun!

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