Thursday, 7 June 2012

The folks that you meet on campus...are amazing!

I've never thought of myself as SUPER outgoing. Some people think that I'm super confident and totally into talking to random people, but I'm a very private person, and there are times when I'm REALLY SHY!

Me and My Partner in Crime
a.k.a Me and My sister
So when people ask me "How do you know so many people on campus? or Wow you're so friendly!" I'm always a little surprised..."Who? You mean me?" is my typical response.

In high school we all know our place, we know who our friends are and we have settled into our nest. But in university it's a completely different situation. Suddenly we're not the captain of the team, we're not the A.V. geek we're all BRAND new people. We can become anything we want!

This can be overwhelming even for the most outgoing among us.

So how can you meet people or make friends? Excellent question!

My strategy is to just start talking!! Everyone is nervous, everyone wants to meet people, everyone wants to make a friend...ESPECIALLY in first year.

Here's a few conversation starters for those novice conversationalists
-Random Conversations in class:
1. Hey! What's your major/ What are you studying?
2. How do you like the class/ prof/ t.a.
3. How are you finding the readings?
4. Hey do you know the quickest way to (insert building)
5.I really like your (make sure you do...people can always tell when you're not being genuine! Don't LIE! )

You meet the most amazing, interesting and unique people in a school the size of York. There are students from over 155 countries that attend school here...just look at me for example I'm an international student from The Bahamas, I'm one example of the diversity that surrounds you when you come to York.

"Tell me more" keeps the convo rolling!
People LOVE to talk and they always want a chance to tell their story...I saw an AMAZING speech by Tony Conte who gave the following tip for talking to people that you don't know...
-When you're talking to someone that you don't really know, ask them to TELL YOU MORE about their major, interests, future plans...basically anything that will keep the conversation going.

Honestly I use this tip all the time and it really works. I have met TONS of new people and asking them to TELL ME MORE about their hobbies, religions and interests has made our conversations much more interesting.

The people that I've met while I've been here have been changed my life in the most unexpected ways. I didn't expect to like York as much as I do now. I thought...I'll be done with this place in 4 years and then I can get on with my life. I've been here for going on 6 years and honestly I don't know how I'm going to handle having to leave...I don't even want to think about!

Seriously take the time to talk to the person next to you in class, in line at the book store, in tutorial or even the people standing next to you in the Second Cup line!

You never know where or how you'll meet your new BEST FRIEND! Try out these tips and let me know how they work out for you...or if you have some other tips that you want to share with me feel free to add them in the comments section!

Please TELL ME MORE about your conversation starters!



Blogger said...

If you would like an alternative to randomly flirting with girls and trying to find out the right thing to say...

If you would rather have women chase YOU, instead of spending your nights prowling around in filthy bars and night clubs...

Then I urge you to play this short video to unveil a strong little secret that might get you your very own harem of hot women:


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