Wednesday, 27 June 2012

York's all about helping students succeed...they have some AMAZING resources you've got to check out!

Over 2000 students have visited the RED Zone so far this summer. As they come in, I've noticed that there are a few key questions that have been asked again and again by students in just about EVERY group I've talked to...
Will I be able to handle it?
1. How MAJOR is the difference between High School and University in terms of workload?
2. What kind of expectations are there for students in terms of work quality in University?
and my personal favourite...and the purpose of this blog...
3. Are there ANY services or resources in place that students can access if they need assistance?

I am here to let you know that York is ALL ABOUT helping students succeed! Here are the FREE services that York offers their students to make they feel confident, secure, and supported throughout their time at University!

York's got your back :)
There are 2 MAIN categories of support that York offers Students:
1. Academic Assistance
2. Specialized Student Support Services
**These are just the names that I've given them...they are by no means the ACTUAL tites!**

You CAN do it...but there is help!
Academic Assistance: This is offered to ALL York University students without exception. These services are designed to ensure student success and provide overall support for during the academic year. Academic Assistance Services include:

-Writing Centre: This is a essay writing and editing service that connects students with a Teaching Assistant, Masters Student or Past Professor who act as tutors for the student while completing an assignment. At the WC students bring in a draft of their assignment, hand it in to their tutor who then edit it and offer suggestions and support. The Writing Centre can help students improve their mark by one full letter grade. This is an amazing and underutilized service since most students are unaware that it exists. Well you...yes you...the person reading this now has a leg up on everyone else since now you know that this exists. The Writing Centre is located in South Ross Room 329.

-Learning Commons: For some students the Writing Centre is not a good fit, after all not everyone is comfortable with someone editing their work, especially a past professor. If that is the case then the Learning Commons on the second floor of the Scott Library might be more your speed. At the Learning Commons you can get help and advice on thesis formulation, research, essay structure and citation tips. The Learning Commons is run by Librarians who know what good research is and what makes a good essay.

-Advising (Faculty, College Level): There are two levels of Academic Advising that you can access at York. The first level of advising is at the Faculty level, this is the level that the majority of incoming students will be familiar with, since your enrolment appointments were held at your faculty. The second level of advising is at the College level, this advising is run through specific colleges within a particular faculty, or even across faculties. One form of advising is not better than the other, they just provide a slightly different user experience. Sometimes students prefer going to their college advisor's because they feel more connected to their college community, others prefer to go their faculty. It's more personal preference, the information will be the same regardless.

-Peer-to-Peer Tutoring: All Colleges have their own version of P2P tutoring, where an upper year student is connected with a lower year student and provides them with guidance, support and tutoring. Additionally there are other Peer-to-Peer programs offered via programs, faculties and departments at York. If you find yourself in need of a particular service I recommend heading over to your college to see types of P2P support they have available for you.
You don't have to do it alone!

Specialized Student Support Services: These services are offered to a select subset of the York University Community, students that have specific needs. These services include:

-CDS: Counselling and Disabilities Services have three offices, two at Keele, one located in the Bennett Centre the other in North Ross Room 108 and one at Glendon. These offices offer support for students in the form of personal counselling,  learning skills, learning disabilities, mental health disabilities and finally in the form of physical, sensory and medical disability aid.

-ACMAPS: The Atkinson Centre for Mature and Part-Time Students offers support for York students that are mature (over the age of 21 at the start of first year) and that are enrolled in part-time study. The ACMAPS office is located at 111 Central Square and they offer support in the form of workshops and advocacy for their students throughout the year.

-CASS: Centre for Aboriginal Student Services, offers specialized support for Aboriginal identified students at York. They are located at 246 York Lanes, they have a newly renovation office space that is open to Aboriginal students. The CASS office has study space, computers, printers and tons of other great services designed to help Aboriginal identified students succeed at York.

-York International: Located in York Lanes Room 200, offers support services for international students at York. This support includes assisting with cultural adjustments to Canada, immigration, financial and other issues. Also York International assists domestic students enter exchange programs to other universities world-wide.

All of the services mentioned here are offered to students free of charge. Take a minute to check out what's available because York has got you covered!


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