Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Did you know that as a student you have rights?!?

As a student it can be easy to feel neglected by your school, especially one the size of York. But did you know that York has developed a document with the sole purpose of identifying and maintaining the rights of students?  "The Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities".

This document outlines the rights of all students at York. You might be wondering what types of rights we have as students. Well we have the right:
- To academic pursuit as the primary reason for students to be at York.
- To participate in activities for students at the University, without harassment, intimidation, discrimination, disruption or acts of violence.
- The right to freedom of inquiry, expression and assembly on campus.
There are just a few of the rights we have as students...check out this link for the entire document.
It might be a good thing to have a read of the code before you start at York, just to be aware of your rights as a student.

This document was designed to protect all York student during their time here. University is a time for self-discovery, learning and expression. The Code of Students Rights and Responsibilities was constructed to ensure that all students have the ability to learn in an environment conducive to "civility, diversity, equity, honesty and respect" to quote directly from the document.

It's not all rainbows and sparkles though and with that in mind I think it's important to also mention that this document also covers the responsibilities that we have as students, after all we can't do whatever we want, there are rules that we have to follow. For example as students it is our responsibility:
-Not to disrupt or interfere with University activities (e.g. academic activities such as classes, University programs, student co-curricular activities and tabling).
-The responsibility to behave in the way that does not harm or threaten to harm another person's physical or mental wellbeing.
-The responsibility to uphold an atmosphere of civility, honesty, equity and respect for others which values the inherent diversity in our community.
Again these are just a few of the responsibilities that we have as students. It's important to know that if you are found in breach of these rules there are significant consequences that you could face as a result.

Moral of the story...know your rights and don't break the rules!

York makes every effort to ensure that all students have a meaningful and positive experience while at University. Now that you know about the code make sure you abide by it!


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