Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Developing a Career Path

Which way to go?
Coming into first year you might have a lot of ideas about what you THINK you'll do when you graduate. As you move from one year to the next you might find that your vision of future career may shift a little. In my case my career path shifted A LOT and by the time I reached my final year I was in a completely different place than when I started.

People always say that university is the best time of your life, that this is the time that you learn about yourself and who you are, and when you develop into the person you'll be for the rest of your life.Coming out of high school you might be wondering... "How do I turn my interests into a job?" Today I'm going to talk a little bit about how you can use your time at university to help you develop a career path for yourself.

1. Get Involved
Develop your Career
 --It can be easy for students to fall into the commuter trap, that is only attending classes and then going straight home. Falling into this trap can make it difficult for you to find out where your interests lie and connecting with your fellow students. Join a club, student organization or college council can be a great way to connect with the York community and learn about where your strengths and interests lie. Being a part of clubs helped me to learn that I am really passionate about education, and health promotion.
This has translated into me learning that I want a career that allows me to help others and be an advocate for equal access to education and health services.

2. Use the Services
They're FREE
--Developing a Career Path can be daunting even for the most self confident among us. That's why I can't recommend the Career Centre strongly enough! For me personally I think they're one of the best
most under used service on campus!  The Career Centre can help you career counseling, resume building, interview skills and so much more...all FOR FREE!! I don't know about you but if something is free I'm that much more interested in using it, and when it's a service that helps me get ready for the 'real world'  I'm even more interested in using it. I'm not going to lie to you, it can be difficult trying to figure out what you want to do with your life, but you're not alone there are people that are here to help you!

3. Put yourself out there!
Go out on a limb and
see what happens!
-- This might be the most important tip I have to give you!! It's easy to keep to yourself, it's easy to stick to a routine you're comfortable with and it is easy to never challenge yourself, but if you want to get the most you possibly can out of your life then you have to put yourself out there and try new things. I'm not saying that you have go sky diving or run with the bulls, what I'm saying is be willing to try things that you have never done before. Try going to Frosh week, try joining a club, try taking up a new sport,
try something that pushes you outside of your comfort zone. You might find that you learn about about yourself, develop some new skills and make some amazing friends and life long memories! Who knows you might do something that leds you to a job, or a new path for your life!

Figuring out what you want to do with your life is not an easy decision, it requires a lot of thought, soul searching and in some cases a little help from your friends. I hope that this will inspire you to try a lot of different things during your time here at York so you can begin to figure out what you want to do with your life after university!

Good Luck and as always, remember to take it one day at a time and catch me in the Zone!



nancy john said...

Keeping the workplace challenging and engaging is important. Happy employees are productive ones, and for many the same routine of punching the time clock everyday gets old fast.

A Big jump of your Career

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