Now that I've discussed how to get your mind in shape, I'm going to talk a little about how to get your body in shape in the new year!
Every New Year people seem to become really conscious about their health. Everyone seems to RUN out and buy a gym membership, use it for a few weeks but by the time March rolls around the gym trips have ended and all of a sudden health isn't on your mind.
I'm here to tell you that you CAN stick to your health goals without having to buy expensive gym memberships, and without losing motivation a few weeks later. A lot of times people lose momentum with their health related goals because they are trying to achieve these goals alone. When you have no one to be accountable to it is very easy to give up on goals.
How can we avoid this?? Well I would recommend getting involved with health related clubs and programs on campus. They provide you with a safe place to get active and community of people to keep you motivated and on track (pun TOTALLY intended!) with your goals.
So, WHAT can you do on-campus to get active?!?
1. Check out Tait McKensize Gym.
--I know what I just said about getting gym memberships, BUTTT in this case the Tait McKensize gym is only $15 for a full calendar year! That's a GREAT deal for students!! Also at the gym you have access to all the field houses, the courts and pool. Plus there are tons of classes you can take (for an extra fee) if you have a particular interest. Check out their website for more info here.
2. Running Relief - Toronto Track and Field Centre
3. Intramurals
--A lot of times people forget that playing games can be a form of exercise, in some ways games are the best form of exercise because you don't even realize that you're working out! Each college runs intramurals for their students, check out some basic info about Intramurals here. Wanna get involved? Contact the athletics rep on your college council to sign up. They are a GREAT way to meet new people, make friends and get active!
4. The Active Living Challenge
--This is a great opportunity to get started with your health goals and stay motivated. Check out the latest episode of RED Zone TV to find out more about the Active Living Challenge.
Hopefully you'll find a way to get active in this New Year. I wish you all the very best with your goals whatever they may be. Let me know if you decide to try anything I mentioned here, by commenting in the comments section below!
Until next time, remember, take it one day at a time and catch me in the Zone!
Excellent post, thanks for sharing. Hope you were able to get active in the new year!
Ellis Strategies
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