Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Cheap Eats on Campus: Challenge Accepted!

I don't know about you guys but I am constantly finding myself on campus between classes broke and hungry. (I totally didn't mean for that to sound as pathetic as it did!) Knowing that I can't be the only one on campus that experiences this I thought I would dedicate the month of February to finding Cheap meals on campus!

I know that might sound impossible, but for you guys I'll take the challenge!

How am I going to do it?
-I will cover the following meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Snacks and Dinner

-Budget for each meal will be $5 (or as close to $5 as I can get!)

-I'll present you with at least 3 options for each meal
--I'll try to make sure that at least 1 meal is a "Healthy Option"

-Each meal MUST include a beverage

-I'll tell you where you can go to get each option

I know you might be thinking...that doesn't sound hard! Finding places to eat won't be difficult, finding meals for $5 will be a bit more challenging. I'll give it my best shot and hope not to let you guys down.

If you know of a GREAT place that fits the parameters mentioned above let me know about it in the comments section, I'd be more than happy to check it out and add it to the list of places to eat on campus!

Look out for my Breakfast and Snack blog next week!

As always, remember to take it one day at a time and catch me in the Zone!



jmg529 said...

I love 'Tastes' in York Lanes, especially for breakfast... under $5 for made-to-order eggs, toast, bacon/sausage, and a coffee! Lots of homemade, healthy options and always very affordable!

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