Wednesday 2 May 2012

RED Zone Blog Camp 2012: In the Blink of an Eye

Blog Camp was...

Fun, Fierce, Intimidating, Exciting, Dynamic, Eye-Opening, and overall it was simply AMAZING!!

It was intense and really forced us to think about what message we're trying to send to the world.

If you like to blog or tweet or you're looking to get started then I really encourage you find a way to attend a Blog Camp event. They are more common then you think.

This Blog Camp was facilitated by two totally plugged in people; both of the facilitators are avid bloggers, tweeters and just all around awesome online personalities.

I think the fact that these two actually live and breathe social media made all the difference for me. Nothing is worse than trying to learn from people that don't know or care about what they're teaching. Claire and Mike TOTALLY know what they're talking about.

Blog Camp was an amazing experience and I really hope that you all like the improvements that I'll be making to my blog moving forward.

I can't wait for Summer RED Zone 2012 to begin!

Hop on my blog train cuz we're gonna be steamin outta the station!! 

Take Care,



auriasz said...

Wow Blog Camp sounds like SOO MUCH FUN!! I would have loved to have experienced something like this. Maybe one day you can teach me some of the things you learned there :P

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